Global Internships

Denis VanDeVoord, from Belgian, shown interning at Avekta, is now a highly paid business analyst for a global management consulting firm.

Throughout the year, but mostly in the summer months, from May to September, Avekta hosts one or two interns who come New York from anywhere in the world.  Interns live at Westchester County facility, or nearby at their own expense.  Currently there is no charge for the internship program, nor are interns paid during their initial learning time.

Interns present to the Creative Director a goal for the internship, usually taking the form of a portfolio or show reel.  From the first day, the intern is expected to be self-directed.  The Creative Director will loan the intern learning tools, workbooks, and a computer workstation and give the intern a daily target of work accomplishment, leading toward the chosen goal.

Intern, Clement Schepereel, arrived from the Cameroons. Today he is a lead computer animator in Nice, France.

Throughout each day, the Creative Director will look in one the intern to assess progress, answer questions and solve problems, but otherwise the intern is usually on his/her own throughout the day.  At the end of each day, the intern presents his work and gets a critique that may be applied to the next day’s work.

At the end of the internship period, the intern is given a letter of recommendation based on the Creative Director’s assessment of work accomplished.  It is also assumed that the work the intern completes will become a part of the intern’s show reel, which is then used to obtain work.

If, during the internship, the Creative Director judges the intern to have reached a level of professional proficiency, and if there is a suitable assignment within the studio for which the intern is qualified, the Creative Director may assign the intern a “billable” job.  In such cases, the intern is paid the going rate for that assignment and upon successful completion of the assignment the intern bills for and is paid for the work done.

Avekta’s internship program is by invitation only, but anyone with fluency in English, a desire to work and learn the media arts, and some level of demonstrable work experience is welcome to write and inquire.  While no promises for internship or work are made here, we will examine each candidate and attempt to be of assistance in that candidate’s career goals.

Candidates are encouraged to read any one or more of the books and articles which have been published by Avekta’s Creative Director as these works will prove useful in any further work at the firm.