Avekta President, Maria Avgerakis, assists in evaluating quarterly performance of high school students at the Leader’s School in Coney Island, NY.
As media professionals we understand our skills have greater influence than most professions in effecting improving our industries, our youth and our environment. That’s why we feel the need to apply our skills pro-bono or at minimal cost in a wide range of social initiatives.

Creative Director, George Avgerakis, (1st row, center) pictured as the Aeronautics Instructor of Civil Air Patrol cadets.
Over the years we have created fund-raising documentaries, Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and YouTube tutorials. We also volunteer in our personal time to help those in need within our local communities and encourage our staff and associates to do the same. It just feels right to do right.
To help or be helped: community@avekta.com