Our people are Avekta’s key asset. We attempt to find, engage and empower the most talented, experienced and personable professionals to serve our clients. Our cinematographers work on Hollywood films. Our programmer has 23 patents. Our translators are PhDs. Our President speaks 5 languages. Our Creative Director has published three books. Learn here how well suited we are to serve you.
FREE QUOTE: people@avekta.com
Here are the principal workers at Avekta Productions. Click on an photo to see a brief biography.

Maria Avgerakis; President
Born in Lima, Peru, where her friends and family nicknamed her, "Tica," Maria
joined Avekta in it’s second year, after she had already had two careers in international banking and... [READ MORE]

George Avgerakis; VP Creative Director
Educated at the University of Maryland and London Film School, George began his media career in England as a post production... READ MORE

Jeremy Goldsmith, Online Artist
Jeremy is a dual career artist, with one foot in classical music and the other in media production. In media Jeremy started at Tabby Sound, Ltd., a prominent...READ MORE

Jack Ehrbar: Animation Director
Jack Ehrbar is a shy fellow who doesn’t like being photographed. Jack started with Avekta in 1998 as a junior editor, but within 6 months he was designing ...READ MORE

Tony Johnson: Animator - Author
Hamilton “Tony” Johnson has been working in computer graphics and animation since 1992 when he opened his first...READ MORE

Hex Marquez: Creative Strategist
As our Creative Strategist, Hex Marquez concentrates on brand fortification and positioning. Often...READ MORE

Patricia Pastorelli: Producer
What better producer could a media company find than the highly motivated, multinationally experienced...READ MORE

David F. Sosa: Sales Mgr.
David started his professional career as a marketing executive for the well known Bronx ice cream manufacturer, Häagen-Dazs®... READ MORE

Carlyle Gifford: Producer
Carlyle joins us from Wall Street, where he managed the technical support department of a major equities trader. Carlyle is our key...READ MORE.