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> Select Media
Who Is The Audience?

Two scales to consider here; first, the degree to which the message is "Internal" as opposed to "External" and second, the size of the audience. If the message is internal, that is for employees only, it can employ the more intimate media; PowerPoint, meetings, video, intranet media such as Flash or a low cost brochure.

If the audience is external - a sales, public relations or investor relations message - the medium will be more broadcast style, leaning toward a well produced video, CD-ROM or even DVD, an entire website or module within a website or a glossy, 5-color, embossed media kit.

The size of the audience also determines the choice of media. Video projection, print and meetings are suitable for small audiences (under 10,000), while videocassettes, satellite and broadcast television, print, CD-ROMs and most certainly website distribution are best for large audiences. Of course, when considering global audiences, localization of your message by language and cultural translation may be an essential ingredient to success.

And here are two more topics to consider when choosing your media:

Last Updated: Aug 23, 2001
© 2001 Avekta Inc.
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